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Patient Experience Survey - Your Voice Matters

The questions on Your Voice Matters ask you how you feel about your most recent cancer care appointment. You can tell us about an in-person (at the cancer clinic) or virtual (by telephone or video) appointment.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete the survey. You will be able to complete Your Voice Matters every 30 days.

Completing Your Voice Matters will help us to improve the experience for patients and care partners at your hospital and across Ontario.

To fill out your patient experience survey, go to Your Voice Matters: We Are Listening

This survey is not available at all hospitals. Enter your health card number to find out if you can participate.

Who should complete Your Voice Matters?

  • Adult patients in Ontario who are receiving cancer care (for example: getting cancer treatment or have had appointments with a cancer doctor, nurse, social worker, or others).
  • Family, friends, and care partners who are supporting a patient with their cancer appointments may help or complete the questions on behalf of a patient.

Types of questions on Your Voice Matters

Many things can affect how you feel about your cancer care. Your Voice Matters will ask about your experience:

  • Before your appointment (for example: contacting the cancer clinic)
  • During your appointment (for example: meeting with your cancer care team)
  • After your appointment (for example: having information about the next steps in your care)
  • Overall

You do not need to answer all the questions if you do not want to.

Your answers will be kept private and confidential

Your cancer care team will not see your responses, and your answers will not impact your care.

Your answers will be combined with other people’s responses. The overall results are then shared with your hospital by Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario).

Filling out Your Voice Matters helps your hospital improve the cancer care experience

The results will help your hospital and Ontario Health understand what is most important to patients and care partners about the cancer care experience.

This helps us make changes and improvements for you, other patients, and care partners across Ontario.

There are different ways to fill out Your Voice Matters

Depending on your hospital, you may be able to fill out Your Voice Matters:

  • Using your own device (like a cell phone, computer, or tablet) by visiting Your Voice Matters: We Are Listening
  • At a kiosk, computer, or tablet in the cancer clinic
  • Using a link sent to your email address by your hospital
  • Using a link through your hospital’s patient portal
  • By scanning a QR code that you see on a Your Voice Matters poster or postcard

You may be asked to complete the Your Voice Matters survey immediately after completing the Your Symptoms Matter assessments. These are different tools.

Ask a staff member or volunteer for more information about how to complete Your Voice Matters at your hospital.

Patient Experience Contacts

If you want to share detailed feedback about your experience directly with your hospital, please contact your hospital’s patient experience office. To find out who to contact in your local region, visit Cancer Centre Patient Experience Contacts.

Patient and Family Advisors

If you are interested in volunteering your time as a Patient and Family Advisor to improve the patient experience at your hospital or with Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), please email:


If you have questions about Your Voice Matters, please email the person-centred care team.