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Cancer screening tests are resuming. Find out more at Cancer Screening During COVID-19.
Primary care providers are supported in delivering cancer prevention, screening and care through guidelines and other tools developed by Cancer Care Ontario.
Find evidence summaries on emerging issues in cancer prevention and care.
Find cancer screening clinical decision support tools for primary care providers. Includes tools for breast, cervical, colorectal and prostate cancers.
Screening Resources for Healthcare Providers
For access to forms, instructions and other documentation related to FIT, call 1-866-662-9233 or send an email to
These guidelines provide primary care providers with cancer diagnostic referral recommendations.
The pathway maps are tools used to improve quality, access, appropriateness and coordination of care across all stages of the patient experience.
Symptom management tools help primary care providers assess and appropriately manage a patient’s cancer-related symptoms. Guides are available for healthcare professionals and patients.
The follow-up guidelines support primary care providers in their care of people recovering from cancer. They include a schedule of diagnostic tests.
Find clinical guidance and patient education information on the unique survivorship and long-term follow-up care needs of patients following an autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplant.
Find best-practice palliative care tools for primary care providers, from the Ontario Palliative Care Network.
Diagnostic Assessment programs manage and coordinate diagnostic care. Download and use the referral forms to refer patients to Diagnostic Assessment Programs in Ontario.
Find Diagnostic Assessment Program location information across Ontario for lung, colorectal and prostate cancer.
Cancer Care Ontario sends letters to Ontarians inviting them to get screened, informing them of their test results, letting them know if they need to get more tests done and reminding them when it is time to get screened again.
Cancer Care Ontario offers physician-linked correspondence, which includes physicians’ names in their patients’ cancer screening letters.
My CancerIQ is a website designed by Cancer Care Ontario that helps Ontarians understand their cancer risk and what they can do to help lower that risk.
Fact sheets, brochures and other screening information is available to share with patients and their families.
Designed to help people with cancer understand why quitting smoking is important, and how to get support.
The symptom management guides and chemotherapy side effect sheets are for patients and their families. They outline steps to prevent and reduce symptoms and side effects from cancer or treatments, including chemotherapy.
This information and resources website serves professionals, and people with cancer and their families. Cancer Care Ontario symptom management materials are also available on the site.
Healthcare professionals can advance their education through Cancer Care Ontario’s E-Learning website. Find a learning module on smoking cessation, and a series of Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Awareness courses.
Find information to help primary care providers support their patients invited to participate in the PERSPECTIVE study.
The quality improvement toolkits help family health teams plan, implement, monitor and report on quality improvements.
The Screening Activity Report provides patient enrolment model primary care physicians with a tool for improving their cancer screening rates for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer.