Follow-up for Cervical Cancer
Guideline Objective
To provide guidance on the most appropriate follow-up strategy for patients with cervical cancer who are clinically disease-free after receiving primary treatment.
This guideline is an update of a previous version, which was published in 2009. The update was initiated when the members of the Program in Evidence-Based Care (PEBC) Gynecologic Cancer Disease Site Group become aware of new publications related to follow-up for the target population. The Disease Site Group members wanted to determine whether this new evidence would result in modifications to the existing recommendations.
Patient Population
Women who are clinically disease free and asymptomatic after receiving potentially curative primary treatment for cervical cancer.
This guideline does not apply to the follow-up of women who have been treated for cervical precancer.
Intended Guideline Users
Clinicians involved in the care and follow-up of women who have received treatment for cervical cancer.
Research Question(s)
What is the most appropriate follow-up strategy for patients with cervical cancer who are clinically disease free after receiving primary treatment?