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Recommendations for Follow-Up of Abnormal Cytology

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Choose a diagnosis to view recommended management.

Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS)

Management and Follow-Up

  • Repeat cytology in 12 months. If the result is:
    • Greater than or equal to ASCUS, refer to colposcopy.
    • Normal, repeat the cytology again in 12 months. If the result is:
      • Normal, return to routine screening in 3 years.
      • Greater than or equal to ASCUS, refer to colposcopy.
  • Currently HPV testing is not an insured test in Ontario. However, HPV testing is available in Ontario though patient-pay or in some hospitals. HPV testing for someone with a first time ASCUS or LSIL is not required (repeat cytology in 12 months is safe and acceptable). However, those who make an informed decision to have an HPV test after a low-grade cytology result can follow these management recommendations:
    • People with a cervix who are HPV 16/18 positive can be referred directly to colposcopy
    • People with a cervix who are HPV non-16/18 positive should repeat their cytology in 12 months
    • People with a cervix who are HPV negative should return to routine screening with cytology in 3 years
  • See evidence for Repeat Cytology Interval recommendation

Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Exclude HSIL (ASC-H)

Management and Follow-Up


Atypical Glandular Cells (AGC), Atypical Endocervical Cells, Atypical Endometrial Cells

Management and Follow-Up

Colposcopy and/or endometrial sampling

Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL)

Management and Follow-Up

  • Repeat cytology in 12 months, if the result is:
    • Greater than or equal to ASCUS, refer to colposcopy.
    • Normal, repeat the cytology again in 12 months. If the result is:
      • Normal, return to routine screening in 3 years.
      • Greater than or equal to ASCUS, refer to colposcopy.
  • Currently HPV testing is not an insured test in Ontario. However, HPV testing is available in Ontario though patient-pay or in some hospitals. HPV testing for someone with a first time ASCUS or LSIL is not required (repeat cytology in 12 months is safe and acceptable). However, those who make an informed decision to have an HPV test after a low-grade cytology result can follow these management recommendations:
    • People with a cervix who are HPV 16/18 positive can be referred directly to colposcopy
    • People with a cervix who are HPV non-16/18 positive should repeat their cytology in 12 months
    • People with a cervix who are HPV negative should return to routine screening with cytology in 3 years
  • See evidence for Repeat Cytology Interval recommendation

High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL)

Management and Follow-Up


Squamous Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Other Malignant Neoplasms

Management and Follow-Up


Unsatisfactory for Evaluation

Management and Follow-Up

Repeat cytology in 3 months

Satisfactory for Evaluation, No Transformation Zone Present

Management and Follow-Up

Routine screening in 3 years; no immediate recall required

Benign Endometrial Cells on Pap Tests

Management and Follow-Up

  • Pre-menopausal women who are asymptomatic require no action (continue to follow usual screening guidelines).
  • Post-menopausal women require investigations, including adequate endometrial tissue sampling.
  • Any woman with abnormal vaginal bleeding requires investigation, which should include adequate endometrial tissue sampling.

Screening/Surveillance in Primary Care After Discharge from Colposcopy

The colposcopist should provide specific and individualized screening recommendations when a woman is discharged from colposcopy:

  • Women eligible for discharge from colposcopy who have normal, ASCUS or LSIL cytology and a negative HPV test are at average risk and should be screened every 3 years.
  • Women eligible for discharge from colposcopy who have normal, ASCUS or LSIL cytology and a positive HPV test are at elevated risk and should have annual surveillance.
  • Women eligible for discharge from colposcopy, whose HPV status is not known, should be screened according to risk-based recommendations made by the colposcopist.


Re-referral to colposcopy should be based on screening results (cytology), as per current guidelines.

Screening/Surveillance Intervals After Discharge from Colposcopy
Negative 3 years
Positive Annual
Unknown Follow recommendations from colposcopist