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Follow-Up of Abnormal Breast Screens

Follow-Up for Average Risk Participants

Following a normal screening mammogram:

  • Participants will receive a normal results letter from Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario)
  • Their primary care provider will also receive a copy of the screening results

Following an abnormal screening mammogram:

  • Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) sites follow up on abnormal screening results
  • OBSP sites will schedule timely follow-up appointments

Participants with an abnormal mammogram who do not have a family doctor or nurse practitioner will be assigned a provider who will follow them to diagnosis.

OBSP sites may use a Primary Care Provider Authorization form to schedule additional imaging (e.g., mammography, ultrasound) and biopsies for the assessment of an abnormal screen without additional requisitions from a participant’s primary care provider.

Follow-Up for High Risk Participants

The High Risk Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) site is responsible for communicating screening results to participants enrolled in the program.

Following an abnormal screening result, the High Risk OBSP site will notify the participant’s primary care provider and help to schedule a timely follow-up appointment.