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About the Person-Centred Care Guideline

The Person-Centred Care Guideline sets the standard of care that patients, family members and caregivers in Ontario should expect to receive. It was developed in collaboration with the Program in Evidence-Based Care. The guideline is a step forward in advancing a person-centred approach to care delivery and in improving the patient experience.

View the Full Person-Centred Care Guideline or read the summary of the guideline’s recommendations below.

Why We Created a Person-Centred Guideline

We have evolved from an approach in our healthcare system that is system- or provider-centred — in which medical needs take priority and patients have little input into the design and delivery of the services they receive — to an approach that is centred around the patient and improving their entire experience. Cancer Care Ontario identified the importance of engaging patients, their family members and caregivers at the system level and at the level of care delivery.

We recognize that staff, clinicians, scientists and partners need guidance to understand what it means to work in true and meaningful partnership with our patients, family members, and caregivers.

Section 1: Knowing the Patient as an Individual

This section highlights the importance of treating the person, and not just the disease. Healthcare providers should recognize each person’s individuality and unique circumstances. This holistic approach is fundamental to delivering person-centred care.

The section was written in alignment with:

Section 2: Essential Requirements of Care

This section recommends consistent support for patients that goes beyond the treatment scope of their disease. Healthcare professionals should ensure a positive patient experience where:

  • patients feel respected
  • patient concerns are listened to and addressed
  • aspects of patient care (e.g., nutrition, pain, personal needs) are appropriately managed
  • patients are provided support to maintain independence
  • all of the previous points are done with patient consent

The section was written in alignment with:

Section 3: Tailoring Healthcare Services for Each Patient

This section focuses on tailoring the healthcare system to meet the unique needs, preferences and circumstances of the individual. Care should be personalized to:

  • provide services with an individual approach
  • encourage patients to express their views and preferences
  • involve family members and caregivers
  • provide opportunities for patient feedback and complaints

The section was written in alignment with:

Section 4: Continuity of Care and Relationships

This section recommends open and systematic information sharing between professionals and across healthcare boundaries. Continuity and consistency of care, and establishing trusting, reliable relationships with healthcare professionals is key to a positive patient experience and to receiving effective care.

The section was written in alignment with:

Section 5: Enabling Patients to Actively Participate in Their Care

This section promotes active participation of patients in their own healthcare by involving them in creating and managing their health strategy and service uses. There are 4 areas identified that encourage self-management and self-care:

  • communication
  • information
  • shared decision-making
  • education programs

The section was written in alignment with the following guidelines:

Person-Centred Care Training Video

This person-centred care training video supports healthcare staff, including providers and administrators, in their efforts to integrate the recommendations of the Person-Centred Care Guideline into their roles. It focuses on defining some fundamental concepts of person-centred care, and how our health system is striving to achieve them.