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3 Results
Intent: Palliative, Curative
New Drug Funding Program
    Aldesleukin (interleukin-2) - In-Transit Metastases from Melanoma
May 2019
Cancer Type:
Basal Cell
Intent: Curative, Palliative
Exceptional Access Program
    vismodegib - Treatment for metastatic basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or with locally advanced BCC (including patients with basal cell nevus syndrome, i.e. Gorlin syndrome), according to specific criteria
Aug 2023
Intent: Adjuvant, Curative
Exceptional Access Program
    daBRAfenib - For the adjuvant treatment of resected Stage III cutaneous melanoma according to clinical criteria
Exceptional Access Program
    trametinib - For the adjuvant treatment of resected Stage III cutaneous melanoma according to clinical criteria
Jun 2021