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Lignes directrices et conseils

18F-FET PET Imaging in Brain Tumours

ID: ES PET 20 avr 2022
Type of Content: Guidelines & Advice
Document Status: Current
A. Singnurkar, R. Poon, J. Detsky

 Guideline Objective:

To provide a synthesis and summary of evidence surrounding the diagnostic performance and clinical impact of 18F-FET PET imaging in brain tumours.

Patient Population:

Patients with high-grade gliomas or brain metastases.

Intended Guideline Users:

To guide the Ontario PET Steering Committee in their decision making with respect to the development of indications in the context of the patient management pathway. This evidence summary may also be useful to inform clinicians who are involved in the management of patients with gliomas or brain metastases.

Research Questions:

These research questions were developed to direct the search for available evidence on 18F-FET PET imaging in brain tumours.

  • What is the diagnostic performance and clinical impact of 18F-FET PET or PET-computed tomography (PET/CT) or PET/MR as a potential replacement or add-on to conventional imaging in:
    • High-grade gliomas
      • Pre-treatment planning.
      • Prediction of post-treatment failure.
      • Recurrence versus post-treatment changes.
    • Brain metastases
      • Recurrence versus post-treatment changes.